Thursday, January 7, 2010

Trivia Question of The Day

Welcome to 'Trivia Question of The Day'

Trivia question for January 7, 2010

Which continent is the flattest?

The answer to the trivia question can be found tomorrow at Life is What YOU Make It!! Blog

Trivia Question of The Day

Welcome to 'Trivia Question of The Day'

Hello, I like to apologize for the delay in the posting of the question for January 6, 2010. We will be back on track with today's post.

Trivia question for January 6, 2010

What name was originally proposed for the TV show that gained fame as Judge Judy?

The answer to the trivia question can be found tomorrow at Life is What YOU Make It!! Blog

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Trivia Question of The Day

Welcome to 'Trivia Question of The Day'

Trivia question for January 5, 2010

What state holds an annual three-day mosquito festival?

The answer to the trivia question can be found tomorrow at Life is What YOU Make It!! Blog

Monday, January 4, 2010

Trivia Question of The Day

Welcome to 'Trivia Question of The Day'

Trivia question for January 4, 2010

In the world of whales and dolphins, what is spyhopping?

The answer to the trivia question can be found tomorrow at Life is What YOU Make It!! Blog

Updates and Announcements

Welcome everyone to Random Thoughts

One of the many blogs owned by AB Affiliates, Inc. Since we have been getting back on track, we noticed that we have broke down some of the post that we put on each blog. For instance, we used to post the word of the week and the quote of the week here on Random Thoughts. Well instead we have decided to do it a little differently this year. So please be patient as the team here is doing there best to take time out to post for our viewers.

To give you more of an Idea of where to look for certain things we will provide you wit this list:

For the Trivia Question of the Day can be found here on Random Thoughts.

For fun facts, words, jokes, educational, and updates on sports or for Knowledgeable information, click the Link to be directed to Random Thoughts II.

On our Random Thoughts III Blog, we will try to keep you updated with history from at least 20 years ago, so we will post a "On this day 20 years ago" post for your history knowledge as well as other types of useful information.

On our Random Thoughts IV Blog we will also be posting "on this day in history facts", but instead of them being from 20 years ago, they will be random and from any year except from 20 years ago, also other types of information will be posted as well.

When it comes to money everyone wants Payday Everyday, so on our Blog we will be posting the Word of the Day, the word may be anything, maybe something you didn't even know, or you may find  a different way to say money.

For the Quote of the Day  you can find that on the "Wake up and Pay Attention Blog", this was one of our first blogs, here you can find lots of survey sites that have helped out team members when they just got started. The daily post is the Quote of the day and many other updates as available.

Since we have decided to with stand all post on our Research Site and post them to the Home sites Blog, for the Research Center we will post daily "Did you know?" statements.

On our advertisers site, Read All About It, we will post as needed. You may find interesting websites of new and old for may different purposes.


Lastly, the Home Site Blog will post only as needed, with bi-weekly stats and updates as available. Also, it will provide you with information about Traffic Exchanges and "Get Paid To" sites.

So we hope that you enjoy reading posts made by us here at AB Affiliates, Inc. as much as our team enjoys writing them for you.

Thank you for visiting us and reading our posts. Stay informed and visit again.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Trivia Question of The Day

Welcome to 'Trivia Question of The Day'

Trivia question for January 3, 2010

What did basketball great Michael Jordan always wear under his Chicago Bulls uniform for good luck?

The answer to the trivia question can be found tomorrow at Life is What YOU Make It!! Blog
