Saturday, January 2, 2010

Trivia Question of the Day

Welcome to the Trivia Question of the Day

Today's Question is for Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 and it is as follows:

What part of the human anatomy has more sweat glands than any other?

Want to have some fun with trivia questions of the day, then try and figure out the answer and post it as a comment.

Answers for the trivia questions can be found the following day on the "Life is What You Make It" Blog

Updates @AB Affiliates, Inc. Co.

Hello Everyone,

The AB Affiliates, Inc. Team is in progress of making updates and revisions to all sites and blogs by AB Affiliates, Inc. so thank you for being patient as you have waited a long time for our recent blogs and sites to become available to you.

As planned we will be up and running by Mid-January. Our team is here to help you and to make sure that all information is accurate, and to make sure that you have the best experiences when you visit sites by AB Affiliates, Inc.

For the best in updates and information download the Money and Blogs Toolbar by AB Affiliates, Inc.
And remember that your comments and feedbacks are always welcomed at all of the AB Affiliates, Inc. Sites and Blogs.

"Wake Up and Pay Attention"
Payday Everyday
AB Affiliates, Inc. Research Center
Random Thoughts
Read All About It
Random Thoughts II
Random Thoughts III
Random thoughts IV

Thank you for reading and enjoy!
