Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 2- Word of the Week

Week 2- November 8th, 2009- November 13th, 2009

Week 2 word is intricate:
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines intricate as difficult to resolve or analyze (adjective)

Used in a sentrence:
I was expected to participate, to contribute, to comment, to help in the development of stories which grow ever more intricate.

Deffinition Resource: Merriam Webster
Sentence Resource: Your Dictionary

Week 2- Quote of the week

Hello Readers and Fellow Bloggers,

Today marks our second week for quote of the week.

And the quote of the week is by no other than Plato, a great philosopher and mathematician:

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet"

427 B.C. to 347 B.C.

Resource: Plato quotes

Updates @Random Thoughts

Sorry for the delay in posts.

The word of the week will be posted as well as the quote of the week later in the day.

Other announcements:
AB Affiliates, Inc. is still undergoing revisions, as they are adding the lists of sites
Don't forget to send them a request ticket to post your referral link or banner on the promotions page of the site.
You can email it to the Request Email on the Contact page of the website.
All comments and discussion are to be posted in the comment box on the forum page.
Check back daily for updates

Sunday, November 8, 2009

@ AB Affiliates, Inc. This morning

AB Affiliates, Inc. has customized their websites and all that has collaborated with them.

They are now mobile phone compatibale, now you can keep up on the go. They have also added a custom google search at the bottom of the Home page and on the Promotions page.

As they are still undergoing revisions as we speak but they are just adding and moving things around to make the page more comfortable for their viewers.
