Saturday, November 7, 2009

@ AB Affiliates, Inc. This Week!

This week at AB Affiliates, Inc. they are revising the Promotions page while adding new features and ways to keep up to date.

You can now follow them on twitter, as always the Toolbar is the best way to keep up to date with them.

Revisions to AB Affiliates, Inc. are being made and should take no more than 2 weeks, they may get them done earlier and should be ready before their expected date on Sat., Nov. 21st.

As always comments are welcome on the Forum page of the site and remember to get your banners and referral links seen and possibly clicked on at AB Affiliates, Inc. Promotions page. All you need to do is send them a request ticket, you can find the email on the Contact AB Affiliates, Inc. page where it says "For Requests".

Follow AB Affiliates, Inc. on Twitter

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today at Random Thoughts

Hello everyone,

Just a quick post to announce there will be no math problem of the week.

We will still continue the quote of the week and the word of the week though,

and pop in with a "Dd you know?" every now and then.

Still there are many interesting things to come especially with us collaborating with AB Affiliates, Inc.

You should go check it out their under revisions but still have many interesting things going on on the promotions page.

Announcements about AB Affiliates, Inc.

The president of AB Affiliates, Inc. announced that there will be revisions being made to the AB Affiliates, Inc. website for two weeks starting today and they should have everything in order by the 21st.

As said on the Announcements page of the website, the content will remain as is, but the layout will be changed and possibly the theme.

Also they have a new banner floating around the web. The president has posted the banner on the forum page and asks for all feed back. Remember to leave honest opinions on the forum page and no "Grown-Up" talk.

The banner for AB Affiliates, Inc. is Below. If you have any comments please leave them on the Forum page of their website, or contact support on the contact page.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today at AB Affiliates, Inc.

Subscribers and Followers,

Today at AB Affiliates, Inc. they added the forum page where you can post comments and have discussions.

Discuss what ever you'd like, they just ask that there is no "grown-up" language you know. So if you have already downloaded their toolbar or subscribed to their RSS Feed then you already know this information.

If not, then go download the toolbar now, you don't want to miss a thing.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Quote of The Week

Hello fellow Bloggers and viewers,

The quote for this week is by the one and only

Dr. Seuss and it states:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

-Dr. Seuss quote-

And this is one of my favorite quotes of all.

Thank you for reading,

Resource: Dr. Seuss Quotes

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Word of the Week

The Word of the week for November 1st, 2009- November 7th, 2009 is:


It means to exert oneself to do or effect something; make an effort; strive (Verb)
A conscientious or concerted effort toward an end; an earnest attempt (Noun)

Used in a Sentence: we must constantly endeavor if we are to succeed.

Don't forget to write your owns sentence and post it as a comment.

RSS Feed for AB Affiliates, Inc.

Click the Button below to get feeds for AB Affiliates, Inc. on you iGoogle page.

Add to Google

AB Affiliates, Inc. Toolbar is Here

Extra! Extra! Read all about it.

The toolbar is here!

That is right the new toolbar for the AB affiliates, Inc. website is finally upon us. So go download it today to get your updates and announcements even faster. You an add your favorite links and gadgets to the toolbar.

This is the most awesome toolbar ever, go straight to the AB Affiliates, Inc. Homepage with just one click, check on updates and announcements with just a click. No more typing in those links, unless you want to.

You have one click access to the blogs and websites associated with AB Affiliates, Inc., e.g. The Random Thoughts Blog and other Blogs chock full of information, you can even share on Twitter

So go, go download it today!

AB Affiliates, Inc. Toolbar

What's Happening at the Random Thoughts Blog

Welcome everyone to the Random Thoughts Blog I an going to introduce something we are going to begin here at Random Thoughts Blog.

Also, remember there will be weekly updates to the AB Affiliates, Inc. website posted here at Random Thoughts, don't forget to visit them or to write them so your referral links and ideas can get posted to the site.

As of Random Thoughts we are going to start today the word of the week, a new word will be posted every Sunday, on Monday there will be the Quote of the week, and on Tuesdays there will be a math problem posted to solve that will be answered by friday.

These are weekly events and anyone can participate in trying to solve the math problem, also, use the word of the week in a sentence and post it as a comment under the word of the week post. Sorry as there will be no reward beside you gaining knowledge and getting the answer right for the math problem, I will only be able to congratulate you because you are so intelligent.

I will pop in a "Did You Know?" post here and there and some announcements and updates about the AB Affiliates, Inc. website.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!
