Thursday, November 19, 2009

Extra! Exra! Read All About It!

Read All About It!

The Owner of AB Affiliates, Inc. has decided to start a new website, it is somewhat similar to the AB Affiliates, Inc. website but more for advertisers and Affiliates.

It is not an Affiliate program of course you know that, but it has great opportunities posted and great sites.

You work long and hard all day long and sometimes you want a break so I have devised a place where you can look to finding great Affiliate programs and services that will help you start o your new path. Sometimes, being an Affiliate is not all about making money, helping people is what is most important.

Yes! Some Affiliate programs pay pretty well but that is not the only reason I became an Affiliate. I try new products and services all the time and if I find them to be of great assistance then I will promote them and try to get them out there. On the other hand if a program, product or service has been misleading and they don't keep their promises I would like to let the world know my thoughts on that too.

So visit Read All About It! Browse around a bit as we are still in the beginning phase and are setting everything up is that your experience with the site is grateful ad helpful.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Quote of the week and Word of the week

Sorry to have to announce that the quote of the week and the word of the week will be postponed until further notice.

As the main computers are down and AB Affiliates, Inc., random Thoughts and all others associated with AB Affiliates, Inc. will be under construction until further notice.

We are currently trying to better the websites and the blogs and AB Affiliates, Inc. is postponing everyting until further notice, which is estimated to be approxamately January 2010.

So be patient and keep reading for updates as the President of AB Affiliates, Inc. will continue to keep everyone updated through the AB Affiliates, Inc. website on the Announcements Page of the site.

Thank you for reading.
